Sponsor an animal.

It is important to understand that every animal we take in has his/her own story and sometimes they may have been through a difficult experience. This might mean they need extra training or time to settle in, but most of all they will require a lot more patience. Through our adoption process we try to find each animal the home best suited to them , to make sure we get a happy ever after home for both animal and owner alike.

Meet our animals.

Meet our animals

Breed: Husky x poodle
Age: 9 weeks
Sex: Male
Breed: Husky x poodle
Age: 9 weeks
Sex: Female
Breed: Husky x poodle
Age: 9 weeks
Sex: Male
Breed: Husky x poodle
Age: 9 weeks
Sex: Female
Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Age: Approx 11.5 yrs
Sex: Male
Breed: Husky cross
Age: 1 year 1 month
Sex: Female
Breed: Pug x Beagle
Age: 4 years 4 months
Sex: Male
Breed: Labrador (doodle) cross
Age: 10 Months
Sex: Female
Breed: Husky x poodle
Age: 8 weeks
Sex: Female
Breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Age: 4 Years 3 Months
Sex: Female
Breed: Shih Tzu x dachshund
Age: 1 Year 3 Months
Sex: Male
Breed: DSH
Age: 2
Sex: Female

The adoption process


If you see an animal on our website that you are interested in adopting, you should fill out an Animal Enquiry form. This gives us more details about yourself and your lifestyle to make sure you are a good match for each other. If we get multiple requests for one animal, we will consider them all and choose the most suitable home to match it to a new owner. This will allow everyone interested a fair chance of adopting it

First meeting

If your application is successful, we will invite you for a first meeting. Here, you and the animal will meet each other and see how you get along. Following on from this, there may be more meetings and you can introduce other pets as required.

Home checks

Home checks are required for every dog before we set the adoption date. This was done physically pre-Covid but we now ask for videos and photos. We need to be sure the home environment is suitable for that dog and the garden is secure. If dogs/rabbits are going to live with other dogs/rabbits, we will arrange an introduction as previously mentioned.

Keep in touch

Every adoption is as unique as each animal. Please remember although sometimes it might seem like a lengthy process, we are doing this to make sure each animal is found the right home for their lifetime.

What are you waiting for?

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